AS50560 Munitsa Igor Anatoliyovuch

Spam statistics of AS50560 Munitsa Igor Anatoliyovuch

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About AS50560

Owner of AS50560

The owner of Autonomous System (AS) AS50560 is RUNISO. RUNISO is a company that specializes in hosting services and various IT solutions, particularly in web hosting, dedicated servers, and colocation.

Main Operational Activity of AS50560's Owner

RUNISO, as the owner of AS50560, primarily focuses on providing internet hosting services. Their operations include managing data centers, offering hosting for websites, and ensuring their customers have the necessary infrastructure for their online presence and operations.

Establishment of AS50560

Information about the exact establishment date of AS50560 is not readily available in public databases or within the scope of my current knowledge as of early 2023. However, such information can typically be found in regional internet registry databases or by contacting the organization directly.

Security Concerns: Hackers or Spammers Using AS50560

As with any autonomous system, there is always a risk that hackers or spammers might exploit its resources for malicious intent. According to the information available on CleanTalk, it appears that there have been incidents where AS50560 was reportedly used for spamming or other malicious activities. CleanTalk provides a database that tracks such activities, and they may offer specific details about the nature of these incidents, how they were addressed, and what measures have been taken to prevent future occurrences.

It's important for organizations like RUNISO to implement stringent security measures to mitigate these risks and ensure a safe and reliable operation of their autonomous systems.

WhoIs AS50560


SPAM active IP addresses in AS50560 Munitsa Igor Anatoliyovuch

#Sender IPDetectedLast seenReported as spam
1185.201.138.502021-10-15 05:22:462024-04-22 04:31:076

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