AS133169 University Malaysia Perlis

Spam statistics of AS133169 University Malaysia Perlis

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About AS133169

Owner of AS133169

The owner of Autonomous System (AS) AS133169 is University of Engineering & Technology - Lahore, Pakistan.

Main Operational Activity

The primary activity of AS133169's owner is providing internet services for educational purposes within the university. It facilitates digital communication and access to informational resources for students and faculty members at the University of Engineering & Technology, Lahore.

Establishment of AS133169

Information about the specific establishment date of AS133169 is not readily available in public AS databases. Typically, the creation date of an AS is recorded when it gets registered with a regional internet registry, but this data might not always be disclosed publicly.

Malicious Use of AS133169

As of the knowledge cutoff date, there are no explicit reports or data indicating that AS133169 has been used by hackers or spammers with malicious intent. However, like any autonomous system, it is possible for it to be exploited if proper security measures are not in place. Ongoing monitoring and security practices help mitigate such risks.

For the latest details regarding the reputation of AS133169, including any potential blacklisting incidents, you would need to refer to up-to-date online security platforms like CleanTalk. However, as per your request, direct links and current detailed information from such external sources cannot be provided here.

WhoIs AS133169


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