Spam statistics of AS19227 SHEIKH-INC

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United States
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About AS19227

Owner of AS19227

The owner of Autonomous System Number (ASN) AS19227 is currently not explicitly listed in public ASN registries. The ownership details may require direct lookup from specific databases that contain the registration information for this number.

Main Operational Activity

The main operational activity of AS19227's owner, provided it is an active ASN, would typically involve managing internet traffic related to their network operations. This could include routing user data, providing internet services, or maintaining network infrastructure for clients. However, without specific information on the entity that owns AS19227, a precise description of their activities cannot be given.

Establishment of AS19227

The establishment date of AS19227 is not readily available in public records. The creation date of an ASN can usually be found through regional internet registry databases or ASN information services but requires direct access to those resources to retrieve such information.

Malicious Use of AS19227

When it comes to the misuse of AS19227 by hackers or spammers, we can refer to the website CleanTalk for potential reports. According to, there might be instances where an ASN is reported for abuse. CleanTalk provides a database of IP addresses and ASNs known for spamming or other malicious activities, which can be used to check if AS19227 has been involved in such incidents. For up-to-date and detailed abuse reports, one would have to consult CleanTalk's blacklist directly.

WhoIs AS19227


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