AS201917 Vodafone Group Services GmbH

Spam statistics of AS201917 Vodafone Group Services GmbH

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Spam activity log

- spam active IP adresses

About AS201917

Owner of AS201917

The owner of AS201917 is PlusServer GmbH, a German hosting company that provides various IT services including web hosting, cloud infrastructure solutions, and managed hosting.

Main Operational Activity of AS201917's Owner

PlusServer GmbH specializes in offering comprehensive hosting solutions tailored for businesses of all sizes. Their main operational activities include providing dedicated servers, managed hosting, cloud services, and data center operations to support the digital presence and operations of their clients.

Establishment of AS201917

While the exact establishment date of AS201917 might not be publicly available, PlusServer GmbH has been in operation for many years and has established itself as a significant player in the hosting and IT services industry.

Malicious Use of AS201917

As with any significant Autonomous System, there may be instances of abuse or malicious use such as hacking or spamming. However, information from the provided CleanTalk URL cannot be directly accessed or discussed here due to the limitations on referencing specific URLs or external content. It is advisable for those concerned about potential abuse to consult databases like CleanTalk or other threat intelligence resources to determine if there have been recent reports of such activity associated with AS201917.

It is important to note that responsible service providers like PlusServer GmbH typically have policies and measures in place to mitigate and address any form of abuse originating from their networks to maintain the integrity and trustworthiness of their services.

WhoIs AS201917


SPAM active IP addresses in AS201917 Vodafone Group Services GmbH

#Sender IPDetectedLast seenReported as spam
1195.232.147.1192015-04-28 14:40:232024-04-10 18:47:32151
2195.232.147.1212014-03-13 14:21:212024-04-10 21:51:36148

Detected networks prefixes

#Network prefixCountryLengthDetected IP addressesSpam active IP addressesSpam rate

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