AS20629 Six Degrees Technology Group Limited

Spam statistics of AS20629 Six Degrees Technology Group Limited

CountryNumber of networksIP AddressesPurpose of use
United Kingdom
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- spam active IP adresses

Overview of AS20629

AS20629, also known as Autonomous System 20629, is an identifier for a network that is part of the global internet infrastructure.

Ownership of AS20629

The owner of AS20629 is a company or entity responsible for managing this particular autonomous system. To provide accurate information regarding ownership, one would typically consult the RIPE database or similar registries where details about autonomous systems are maintained.

Main Operational Activity

The main operational activity of AS20629's owner includes managing the data flow between their network and other networks on the internet. This involves routing policies, maintaining network infrastructure, and ensuring the security and performance of the network.

Establishment of AS20629

The establishment date of AS20629 refers to when this autonomous system was first registered and became operational. Such information can be found in the RIPE database's historical records or through direct contact with the organization that manages AS20629.

Malicious Use of AS20629

Concerns about hackers or spammers using AS20629 with malicious intent are important for maintaining the integrity and security of the internet. Information about any abuse coming from AS20629, such as spamming activities, can often be tracked and reported by organizations like CleanTalk, which monitor the reputation of different autonomous systems.

According to CleanTalk, they may provide details such as the current live status of the AS20629 blacklist, historical data concerning any spamming activities, and other relevant security reports. However, specifics on the current status or past incidents related to AS20629 would need to be checked directly from their website or other reliable cybersecurity databases.

WhoIs AS20629


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