AS27935 Cooperativa de provicion de servicios telefonicos La Lonja Ltda

Spam statistics of AS27935 Cooperativa de provicion de servicios telefonicos La Lonja Ltda

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Overview of AS27935

Ownership of AS27935

The Autonomous System (AS) number 27935 is owned and operated by Cooperativa de Provisión de Servicios Publicos Villa del Rosario. This cooperative entity provides various public services within its scope of operations.

Main Operational Activity of AS27935's Owner

The main operational activity of Cooperativa de Provisión de Servicios Publicos Villa del Rosario, the owner of AS27935, involves providing public utility services. These services likely include telecommunications and internet service provision to its members or in its operational area.

Establishment of AS27935

The exact date when AS27935 was established is not publicly listed in general AS information repositories. Establishment dates for autonomous systems can be challenging to pinpoint without direct information from the managing organization or detailed historical records.

Malicious Use of AS27935

Regarding the misuse of AS27935 by hackers or spammers, it is important to monitor any autonomous system for potential security threats. According to data provided by CleanTalk, as a tool that collects and analyzes various IP addresses and AS numbers for spam and hacking activities, there may be instances where IP addresses within AS27935 have been flagged for malicious behavior. However, such incidents should be investigated on a case-by-case basis to determine the context and extent of any misuse. The cooperative that owns AS27935 would typically be responsible for addressing and mitigating any such security issues within its network.

WhoIs AS27935


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