AS34402 Infoplus S.c.

Spam statistics of AS34402 Infoplus S.c.

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About AS34402

Owner of AS34402

The owner of Autonomous System (AS) 34402 is 'InfoGuard AG'.

Main Operational Activity

InfoGuard AG specializes in comprehensive cyber security and innovative network solutions. Their main operational activities include providing services such as security consulting, security audits, and managed security services to protect their clients' data and IT infrastructure.

Establishment of AS34402

The exact date of establishment for AS34402 is not publicly disclosed in general Internet registries or whois databases. Typically, the establishment date of an AS is not a commonly listed piece of information, unlike domain registration dates.

Malicious Use of AS34402

As for the usage of AS34402 by hackers or spammers with malicious intent, it's important to consult real-time security databases and threat intelligence platforms for up-to-date information. According to the URL provided, there may be incident reports or listings indicating that IPs within the AS34402 range have been flagged for malicious activity.

However, without access to updated databases or specific details from the source mentioned, I cannot provide current details about any potential misuse of AS34402. Owners of autonomous systems typically implement various measures to prevent and mitigate abuse, but no system can be entirely immune to malicious use.

WhoIs AS34402


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