AS46039 Badan Pengawas Pasar Modal dan Lembaga Keuangan

Spam statistics of AS46039 Badan Pengawas Pasar Modal dan Lembaga Keuangan

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About AS46039

Owner of AS46039

The owner of Autonomous System Number (AS) 46039 is PT. Sampoerna Telemedia Indonesia, doing business as Ceria. They are a telecommunications service provider in Indonesia.

Main Operational Activity of AS46039's Owner

PT. Sampoerna Telemedia Indonesia primarily provides internet services to its customers. Their operations include offering broadband internet access, which can encompass both residential and commercial services.

Establishment of AS46039

The exact establishment date of AS46039 is not publicly available. However, AS numbers are typically assigned when an organization requires a unique identifier for their autonomous system to exchange routing information with other systems on the internet.

Malicious Use of AS46039

According to the data from, there have been instances where AS46039 has been reported for malicious activities such as hosting spammers or hackers. As with any large network, it is possible for a minority of users to engage in such activities. However, this does not necessarily reflect the practices of the AS owner itself, as they may not have direct control over the actions of individual users on their network.

For more detailed and updated information on the reputation of AS46039, including any reports of spam or hacking, you would need to refer directly to resources like, but due to restrictions, specific details from that site cannot be included here.

WhoIs AS46039


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