AS48517 Destiny N.V

Spam statistics of AS48517 Destiny N.V

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DomainDetected IP addressesSpam active IPsSpam rate
Websites countIP addresses with websites

Spam activity log

- spam active IP adresses

About AS48517

Owner of AS48517

The owner of Autonomous System Number (ASN) AS48517 is not publicly specified in the available resources. ASN details are often maintained by regional internet registries, and for precise ownership information, one would typically refer to these databases.

Main Operational Activity of AS48517's Owner

Without specific ownership information, it is challenging to detail the main operational activity of AS48517's owner. An ASN owner could be an Internet Service Provider (ISP), a large organization, or a data center that manages internet traffic related to their network operations.

Establishment of AS48517

The exact establishment date of AS48517 is not readily available in public records. Such information might be found within the internal documentation of the organization that owns the ASN or through direct inquiry with the regional internet registry responsible for the region where AS48517 operates.

Malicious Use of AS48517

Regarding the use of AS48517 by hackers or spammers with malicious intent, specific details can change over time. According to CleanTalk, a security service tracking spam and hacking activities, there may be incidents associated with any given ASN.

CleanTalk provides a database that tracks the history of spam originating from different ASNs. However, I cannot directly access or extract specific reports from external sources like CleanTalk, nor provide real-time data from them. You might want to visit their website directly to check for any reported activities associated with AS48517:

In general, if an ASN is frequently associated with spam or other malicious activities, it could indicate that the network has been compromised or is being used by bad actors. Network administrators and owners are usually responsible for mitigating such issues once they become aware of them.

WhoIs AS48517
