AS13122 Manx Telecom Trading Ltd

Spam statistics of AS13122 Manx Telecom Trading Ltd

CountryNumber of networksIP AddressesPurpose of use
United Kingdom10Hosting
DomainDetected IP addressesSpam active IPsSpam rate
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- spam active IP adresses

About AS13122

Owner of AS13122

The Autonomous System (AS) number 13122 is registered to Manx Telecom. Manx Telecom is a telecommunications company which provides a range of services including fixed line, broadband, mobile, and data centre services primarily on the Isle of Man.

Main Operational Activity of Manx Telecom

Manx Telecom's main operational activity revolves around providing comprehensive telecommunication services. This includes voice and data services over fixed-line and mobile networks, internet services, and other digital solutions. Their operations are integral to maintaining connectivity for residents and businesses on the Isle of Man.

Establishment of AS13122

The exact establishment date of AS13122 is not publicly documented in typical AS information sources. However, since Manx Telecom has been operating since the early days of telecommunication on the Isle of Man, it can be inferred that AS13122 has been active for many years, potentially aligning with the broader timeline of the company's development and expansion of services.

Malicious Use of AS13122

Regarding the malicious use of AS13122 by hackers or spammers, there is no specific public evidence suggesting that AS13122 is widely used for nefarious activities. Nevertheless, like any internet service provider, it is possible that individual users within any given AS may engage in spamming or hacking without the consent or knowledge of the AS owner.

As of the last check with the resource provided (, there is no explicit mention of widespread abuse originating from AS13122. It is important for network operators like Manx Telecom to implement security measures to prevent such abuses and maintain the integrity of their services.

WhoIs AS13122


Detected networks prefixes

#Network prefixCountryLengthDetected IP addressesSpam active IP addressesSpam rate of Man204822320.00% of Man20481710.00%
392.39.192.0/21Isle of Man204822010.00%
4213.137.0.0/19Isle of Man819225010.00%
5213.137.29.0/24Isle of Man256310.00%
637.25.88.0/22Isle of Man1024100.00%
743.225.112.0/22Isle of Man102411000.00%
846.226.184.0/22Isle of Man102411700.00%
946.226.184.0/21Isle of Man204823100.00%
1046.226.188.0/22Isle of Man102411500.00%
1180.65.240.0/21Isle of Man204819900.00%
1280.65.240.0/20Isle of Man409624200.00%
1387.254.64.0/20Isle of Man409644200.00%
1487.254.80.0/20Isle of Man409645000.00%
15178.16.0.0/22Isle of Man102411000.00%
16178.16.0.0/21Isle of Man204822900.00%
17178.16.4.0/22Isle of Man102411900.00%
18178.16.8.0/22Isle of Man10249100.00%
19178.16.12.0/22Isle of Man10249300.00%
20195.10.96.0/20Isle of Man40963500.00%
21195.10.102.0/24Isle of Man256400.00%
22195.10.110.0/24Isle of Man256600.00%
23195.10.111.0/24Isle of Man256600.00%
24195.10.112.0/20Isle of Man40962700.00%
25195.10.112.0/24Isle of Man256600.00%
26195.10.114.0/24Isle of Man256600.00%
27217.28.0.0/21Isle of Man204820300.00%
28217.28.8.0/21Isle of Man204822300.00%

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