Spam statistics of AS31758 MLGC-AS

CountryNumber of networksIP AddressesPurpose of use
United States1497 469Hosting
DomainDetected IP addressesSpam active IPsSpam rate
-25 3813 04812.01%
Websites countIP addresses with websites
1 010 204274 198

Spam activity log

- spam active IP adresses

About AS31758

AS31758, also known as Autonomous System 31758, is a unique identifier assigned to an autonomous system which allows it to exchange routing information with other systems.

Owner of AS31758

The owner of AS31758 is not publicly disclosed in this context. However, the ownership and operational details of any autonomous system can typically be found in internet registries or through network information services that track AS numbers and their associated entities.

Main Operational Activity

The main operational activity of the owner of AS31758 would involve managing the routing of internet traffic to and from the IP addresses under its control within the specific autonomous system. The activities may include ensuring network security, administering IP address allocations, and maintaining the reliability and efficiency of the network infrastructure.

Establishment Date

The establishment date of AS31758 is not specified here. Generally, the creation date of an autonomous system can be found in the corresponding registry databases maintained by organizations such as ARIN (American Registry for Internet Numbers), RIPE NCC (Réseaux IP Européens Network Coordination Centre), or their equivalents in other regions.

Malicious Use of AS31758

As for the malicious use of AS31758 by hackers or spammers, there can be instances where an autonomous system is exploited for nefarious activities. To determine if AS31758 has been reported for such misuse, one can refer to security databases and blacklist services.

According to, a service that provides IP-address and email anti-spam solutions, there might be reports or data concerning AS31758's involvement with unwanted activities. For real-time and specific details regarding AS31758's association with spam or malicious behavior, direct consultation of CleanTalk's website or a similar service is required.

Please note that the above-mentioned details are based on general knowledge about autonomous systems and not specific to AS31758 due to the absence of detailed sources provided.

WhoIs AS31758


Detected networks prefixes

#Network prefixCountryLengthDetected IP addressesSpam active IP addressesSpam rate
1104.128.0.0/10United States4194304497294380201.00%
2104.128.0.0/20United States40968942767.00%
3104.128.0.0/22United States102429610710.00%
4104.128.8.0/22United States1024215747.00%
5104.128.4.0/22United States1024245535.00%
6104.128.8.0/23United States5121365110.00%
7104.128.12.0/22United States1024138424.00%

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