Spam statistics of AS12003 INTEGRATELECOM, US

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United States
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- spam active IP adresses

About AS12003

Ownership of AS12003

AS12003 is owned by IFX Networks Venezuela C.A., a company that specializes in providing internet services.

Main Operational Activity

The main operational activity of IFX Networks Venezuela C.A. involves offering a variety of internet connectivity solutions, including broadband access, hosting services, and other Internet-related services to its customers.


The establishment date for AS12003 is not publicly listed in the usual resources; such information would typically be found in the registry databases or historical records pertaining to the autonomous system.

Malicious Use of AS12003

There have been reports of malicious activities associated with AS12003, such as involvement in hacking or spamming operations. According to CleanTalk's blacklist database, there are records of spamming activity from IP addresses belonging to AS12003. However, it should be noted that an AS being reported for malicious activities does not necessarily imply the owner is directly involved in such actions, as compromised systems within their network could be responsible.

Please note that the situation regarding any autonomous system can change over time, and the current status of AS12003 concerning malicious activities should be verified through up-to-date security databases and resources.

WhoIs AS12003


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