AS135134 Soon Keat Neo

Spam statistics of AS135134 Soon Keat Neo

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About AS135134

Owner of AS135134

The owner of Autonomous System Number (ASN) AS135134 is reported to be BDKTEL Co., Ltd. BDKTEL is a telecommunications company that operates primarily in the region it is registered.

Main Operational Activity

BDKTEL Co., Ltd. focuses on providing various internet services, including broadband access, internet connectivity solutions, and other value-added services related to telecommunications and networking for their customers.

Establishment of AS135134

There is no specific public information readily available regarding the exact establishment date of AS135134. Usually, ASN allocation dates can be obtained from regional internet registries or similar databases that track such allocations.

Malicious Activities Associated with AS135134

Regarding malicious intents such as hacking or spamming activities, there might be incidents where individual IP addresses within an ASN are flagged for suspicious activities. As of my knowledge cutoff date, you would need to check real-time security databases like CleanTalk for up-to-date information on whether AS135134 has been associated with such activities.

Details from CleanTalk

To determine if AS135134 has been used by hackers or spammers, one would typically refer to websites like CleanTalk that monitor and blacklist IPs involved in malicious activities. However, without direct access to such resources, I cannot provide current details. It's recommended to visit the CleanTalk website or a similar service for the latest information on this subject.

WhoIs AS135134


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