AS136498 Network Ltd.

Spam statistics of AS136498 Network Ltd.

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- spam active IP adresses

About AS136498

Owner of AS136498

The Autonomous System (AS) number 136498 is registered and owned by Anchnet Asia Limited.

Main Operational Activity

Anchnet Asia Limited's main operational activity involves providing web hosting services, including dedicated server hosting, cloud services, and data center solutions aimed at a range of customers from individual users to enterprises.

Establishment of AS136498

Information regarding the exact establishment date of AS136498 is not readily available in public records. Typically, the creation date of an AS number is recorded in the regional internet registry to which the AS is assigned; however, these details are often not disclosed to the general public.

Malicious Use of AS136498

According to CleanTalk's blacklist monitoring, there have been instances where AS136498 has been reported for hosting or otherwise being associated with malicious activities. This includes potential abuse cases involving hackers or spammers using the network's resources.

As per the latest data retrieved from CleanTalk:

  • The AS136498 has a spam score that indicates some level of observed spam activity originating from this network.

  • It has been listed on CleanTalk for having a history of hosting sites or services that may be involved in spreading spam or malware.

However, such reports do not necessarily reflect the intentions or practices of Anchnet Asia Limited as a whole but may indicate that some of its hosted services or customers are engaging in activities that violate acceptable use policies.

WhoIs AS136498


SPAM active IP addresses in AS136498 Network Ltd.

#Sender IPDetectedLast seenReported as spam
1103.220.205.1542020-04-11 08:56:092024-09-30 16:50:3317
2103.220.206.1042020-04-13 09:52:532024-10-02 21:45:5021

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