AS137912 Global Broadband K.K

Spam statistics of AS137912 Global Broadband K.K

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- spam active IP adresses

About AS137912

Ownership and Operational Activity

AS137912 is an autonomous system number (ASN) owned by PING GLOBAL LIMITED. The main operational activity of the owner, PING GLOBAL LIMITED, involves providing network services, which typically includes routing, internet connectivity, and various other network-related services to their clients.


The exact date of establishment for AS137912 is not readily available in public records. Generally, details about when an autonomous system was established can be obtained from the regional internet registry responsible for the region in which the ASN is registered or through direct contact with the owning entity.

Malicious Use

Regarding the usage of AS137912 for malicious intent such as hacking or spamming activities, it is important to monitor real-time databases and security reports that track such behavior. As per the information available on, there might be instances where AS137912 has been flagged for hosting suspicious activities. CleanTalk provides a blacklist database that is continually updated with information about IPs and ASNs involved in spam or other malicious activities. However, without specific details and timestamps, it's not possible to provide current data within this response. For the most recent and detailed information, visiting the provided CleanTalk URL would be necessary.

WhoIs AS137912


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