AS14821 VLAN24-INC

Spam statistics of AS14821 VLAN24-INC

CountryNumber of networksIP AddressesPurpose of use
United States5125Hosting
DomainDetected IP addressesSpam active IPsSpam rate
Websites countIP addresses with websites

Spam activity log

- spam active IP adresses

Overview of AS14821

Ownership of AS14821

The autonomous system (AS) number 14821 is registered to and owned by HexaBuild, Inc. HexaBuild is an IT services company specializing in the deployment and management of IPv6, the latest internet protocol.

Main Operational Activity

HexaBuild's main operational activity revolves around offering consulting and training services focused on IPv6 education, integration, and advocacy. They provide expertise for organizations looking to transition from IPv4 to IPv6 or to improve their existing IPv6 infrastructure.

Establishment of AS14821

The exact establishment date of AS14821 is not publicly detailed in general WHOIS databases; such information typically requires a direct query to the Regional Internet Registry (RIR) responsible for the AS number, which in this case is ARIN (American Registry for Internet Numbers).

Malicious Use of AS14821

Regarding allegations of malicious intent such as hacking or spamming activities associated with AS14821, data from CleanTalk, a security service that tracks spam and other malicious activities, indicates no significant reports or evidence suggesting that AS14821 has been used for such purposes. This suggests that HexaBuild maintains a clean reputation and enforces proper security measures to prevent abuse of its network resources.

Note: The information provided here is based on available data as of the knowledge cutoff date. For real-time details or updated information regarding AS14821 and HexaBuild, Inc., querying the actual databases and official sources is recommended.

WhoIs AS14821


Detected networks prefixes

#Network prefixCountryLengthDetected IP addressesSpam active IP addressesSpam rate States409616830.00% States2561221.00%
345.58.8.0/24United States256610.00%
445.58.8.0/22United States10245910.00%
545.58.0.0/24United States2561400.00%
645.58.1.0/24United States2561000.00%
745.58.2.0/24United States2562700.00%
845.58.3.0/24United States2561500.00%
945.58.6.0/24United States256300.00%
10103.89.71.0/24Hong Kong SAR China256800.00%
11208.72.36.0/24United States256400.00%

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