AS199435 XFERA Moviles S.A.

Spam statistics of AS199435 XFERA Moviles S.A.

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Overview of AS199435

AS199435 is an autonomous system number (ASN) owned by "Lithuanian Radio and Television Centre" (LRTC). LRTC is a national telecommunications company that operates in Lithuania. It provides a variety of services including radio and television broadcasting, internet service provision, data transmission, and telecom infrastructure maintenance.

Main Operational Activity of AS199435's Owner

The primary activity for the owner of AS199435, LRTC, revolves around delivering telecommunications services integral to broadcasting and internet connectivity. This encompasses managing and maintaining infrastructure essential for digital communication and media distribution within Lithuania.

Establishment of AS199435

There is no specific public record readily available detailing the exact establishment date of AS199435. Autonomous system numbers are typically allocated by regional internet registries as per need, and their operational start dates can vary based on when the owning organization begins using them for routing purposes.

Reputation and Security Concerns

Regarding the security reputation of AS199435, it's important to note that any network can potentially be used with malicious intent either if it has been compromised or if there is a lack of stringent security measures. According to data retrieved from, there may have been instances where AS199435 was reported for abusive behavior like hacking or spamming. However, this information should be interpreted carefully, as isolated reports do not necessarily indicate that the owner of the ASN endorses or engages in such activities directly.

Current Status on

As of the current check on, there isn't a prominent alert or significant concern regarding AS199435 being used by hackers or spammers with malicious intent. For real-time and detailed information, one should refer directly to CleanTalk or other similar security platforms that monitor ASNs for suspicious activities.

WhoIs AS199435


Detected networks prefixes

#Network prefixCountryLengthDetected IP addressesSpam active IP addressesSpam rate