AS24127 iEnergizer

Spam statistics of AS24127 iEnergizer

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- spam active IP adresses

About AS24127

Owner of AS24127

The autonomous system (AS) numbered 24127 is owned by Facebook Inc.

Main Operational Activity

The main operational activity of Facebook Inc., the owner of AS24127, revolves around providing social networking services through its various platforms. This includes services like Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, and Oculus, among others. They are primarily involved in internet-related services and products.

Establishment of AS24127

There is no specific public record readily available detailing the exact establishment date of AS24127. The creation dates of autonomous systems can vary and are often not disclosed by the owning entities.

Malicious Use of AS24127

There might be instances where any large network, including AS24127, could be used for malicious activities either due to compromised accounts or systems. According to the data provided by CleanTalk, it appears that there have been cases of spamming or hacking attempts associated with AS24127. However, this does not necessarily implicate the owner of the AS as the source of malicious activities, as users within the network may engage in such actions without the consent or knowledge of the network administrator.

As per the details from CleanTalk, they keep a record of potentially harmful activities connected to different ASes to help prevent spam and abuse. It's important to note that the presence on such lists doesn't always mean that the network owner endorses these activities, but rather that they need to take steps to address and mitigate any abuse occurring within their network.

WhoIs AS24127


Detected networks prefixes

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