AS24794 IBCNet Hungary Ltd.

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Overview of AS24794

Ownership Information

AS24794, also known as "G-Core Labs S.A.," is an autonomous system owned by G-Core Labs S.A. This company specializes in providing a variety of internet services such as content delivery network (CDN) services, hosting, and cloud solutions. They aim to optimize the delivery and exchange of content across the internet.

Main Operational Activity

The primary operational activity of G-Core Labs S.A., the owner of AS24794, is to deliver high-performance edge and cloud solutions for different types of businesses and industries. Their services include but are not limited to CDN, hosting, media platform, security, and support for online gaming infrastructure.

Establishment and Historical Background

While the exact establishment date of AS24794 is not provided in the context of this query, it's important to note that autonomous systems like AS24794 are generally established as their parent companies develop the need to manage web traffic more efficiently, often coinciding with or following the company's inception and growth.

Security Considerations and Malicious Use

Like any large service provider, G-Core Labs S.A. and its autonomous system AS24794 may be subject to misuse by malicious actors such as hackers or spammers. According to data from CleanTalk, there have been instances where AS24794 has been flagged for suspicious activities. However, it's crucial to recognize that the presence of such activities does not necessarily implicate the owner of the AS in malicious intent but rather indicates that they may need to enforce stricter security measures or deal with compromised clients.

For up-to-date details on the security status of AS24794, it is recommended to consult sources like CleanTalk, which monitor IP addresses and autonomous systems for potential abuse. As of the knowledge cutoff date, there might be specific reports or statistics regarding the misuse of AS24794 available through such platforms.

WhoIs AS24794


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