Spam statistics of AS262197 MILLICOM CABLE COSTA RICA S.A.

CountryNumber of networksIP AddressesPurpose of use
Costa Rica
DomainDetected IP addressesSpam active IPsSpam rate
Websites countIP addresses with websites

Spam activity log

- spam active IP adresses

About AS262197

Owner of AS262197

The owner of Autonomous System (AS) number 262197 is Millenium Com de Mat e Sist de Inf Ltda.

Main Operational Activity

The main operational activity of AS262197's owner, Millenium Com de Mat e Sist de Inf Ltda, is providing internet services as an Internet Service Provider (ISP) in Brazil. They cater to connectivity needs including broadband internet access for their customers.

Establishment of AS262197

The exact date of establishment for AS262197 is not typically public information. However, autonomous systems are registered by organizations as part of their network infrastructure setup when they start operating as ISPs or large-scale web operators.

Malicious Use of AS262197

Concerning the use of AS262197 by hackers or spammers for malicious intent, records from CleanTalk may provide some insights. However, without specific details from the mentioned source, it is not possible to assert the reputation of this AS. ISPs often take measures to prevent and mitigate abuse such as spam or hacking originating from their networks.

For updated and detailed information regarding any potential misuse or blacklisting associated with AS262197, a direct query on CleanTalk's blacklist database would be required, which can be found at their official website.

WhoIs AS262197


Detected networks prefixes

#Network prefixCountryLengthDetected IP addressesSpam active IP addressesSpam rate
1186.176.192.0/18Costa Rica16384618300.00%
2186.177.128.0/18Costa Rica163841129150.00%
3186.176.0.0/18Costa Rica16384485100.00%
4186.32.0.0/19Costa Rica819217270.00%
5186.4.32.0/19Costa Rica819239760.00%
6186.176.144.0/20Costa Rica409615660.00%
7186.176.240.0/21Costa Rica204811560.00%
8186.177.80.0/20Costa Rica40969760.00%
9186.177.96.0/19Costa Rica819212660.00%
10186.4.0.0/19Costa Rica819228050.00%
11186.176.64.0/18Costa Rica1638441050.00%
12186.177.184.0/21Costa Rica204882250.00%
13186.176.232.0/21Costa Rica204827440.00%
14186.176.212.0/23Costa Rica5121331.00%
15186.176.214.0/23Costa Rica5121131.00%
16186.177.80.0/21Costa Rica20485730.00%
17186.177.88.0/23Costa Rica512831.00%
18131.108.38.0/24Costa Rica256721.00%
19186.4.18.0/23Costa Rica5122220.00%
20186.4.52.0/23Costa Rica51219520.00%
21186.4.57.0/24Costa Rica2561321.00%
22186.32.0.0/21Costa Rica20484320.00%
23186.32.160.0/20Costa Rica409617920.00%
24186.32.184.0/21Costa Rica20484320.00%
25186.176.20.0/23Costa Rica5123220.00%
26186.176.144.0/21Costa Rica20486320.00%
27186.176.236.0/23Costa Rica5122620.00%
28186.176.240.0/23Costa Rica5123620.00%
29186.176.242.0/23Costa Rica5122920.00%
30186.177.4.0/23Costa Rica5121320.00%

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