AS328471 Hero-Telecoms, page 6

Spam statistics of AS328471 Hero-Telecoms

CountryNumber of networksIP AddressesPurpose of use
South Africa101 672Public, Hosting
DomainDetected IP addressesSpam active IPsSpam rate
-2 98686028.80%
Websites countIP addresses with websites

Spam activity log

- spam active IP adresses

About AS328471

Owner of AS328471

The owner of Autonomous System Number (AS) 328471 is unknown in the general internet registry. Identifying the precise owner often requires access to specific regional internet registry databases or looking into more private business records.

Main Operational Activity

The main operational activity of AS328471's owner is not publicly documented and would typically be associated with the organization's primary business functions and internet operations. It may involve serving online content, providing internet connectivity services, hosting, or other related activities.

Establishment of AS328471

The establishment date of AS328471 is not readily available in public records. This information can usually be found through the relevant regional internet registry or historical data for the AS.

Malicious Use of AS328471

Regarding potential malicious activities such as hacking or spamming originating from AS328471, there is no specific evidence or reports available on However, it should be noted that any AS could potentially be abused by malicious actors if proper security measures are not in place.

Without concrete details, it is not possible to confirm whether AS328471 has been used for malicious purposes. Generally, network administrators and cybersecurity professionals monitor traffic and maintain security protocols to mitigate such risks associated with their networks.

WhoIs AS328471


SPAM active IP addresses in AS328471 Hero-Telecoms

#Sender IPDetectedLast seenReported as spam 23:40:212024-04-11 12:22:5412 00:40:522024-04-18 02:35:569
345.221.46.2422022-12-05 23:15:202024-04-15 17:43:527
4102.66.239.102021-10-12 05:11:362024-04-08 12:42:244
5102.66.239.842021-06-09 18:36:392024-04-10 11:30:558
6102.66.239.872022-03-24 03:07:592024-04-08 01:50:5420
7102.66.239.1192022-03-25 15:28:592024-04-08 14:43:5713

Detected networks prefixes

#Network prefixCountryLengthDetected IP addressesSpam active IP addressesSpam rate
151102.66.24.0/22South Africa10242710.00%
152102.66.32.0/22South Africa10249310.00%
153102.66.60.0/22South Africa10246510.00%
154102.66.64.0/24South Africa2565410.00%
155102.66.72.0/22South Africa102420910.00%
156102.66.80.0/22South Africa102419010.00%
157102.66.100.0/22South Africa10245910.00%
158102.66.100.0/24South Africa2563110.00%
159102.66.108.0/22South Africa10246310.00%
160102.66.120.0/22South Africa10241310.00%
161102.66.188.0/23South Africa51210010.00%
162102.66.188.0/22South Africa102413910.00%
163102.66.188.0/24South Africa2565210.00%
164102.66.236.0/24South Africa2562210.00%
165102.134.188.0/22South Africa10244110.00%
166154.66.248.0/22South Africa102410310.00%
167154.66.252.0/23South Africa5123710.00%
168154.66.253.0/24South Africa2562210.00%
169154.70.133.0/24South Africa256810.00%
170160.0.208.0/22South Africa102418210.00%
171160.0.220.0/24South Africa2565410.00%
172160.0.220.0/22South Africa102419110.00%
173165.73.160.0/22South Africa102428910.00%
174165.73.168.0/22South Africa10246510.00%
175165.73.172.0/24South Africa2562210.00%
176165.73.172.0/22South Africa10247210.00%
177169.159.136.0/22South Africa10248410.00%
178169.159.148.0/24South Africa2561810.00%
179169.159.150.0/24South Africa256710.00%
180169.159.156.0/22South Africa102415110.00%

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