AS34305 Base IP B.V.

Spam statistics of AS34305 Base IP B.V.

CountryNumber of networksIP AddressesPurpose of use
Netherlands56253Paid VPN, Hosting
DomainDetected IP addressesSpam active IPsSpam rate
Websites countIP addresses with websites

Spam activity log

- spam active IP adresses

About AS34305

Ownership of AS34305

AS34305 is owned by Europe*Link, which is an Internet Service Provider (ISP).

Main Operational Activity

The main operational activity of Europe*Link, the owner of AS34305, is to provide various internet services such as broadband access, web hosting, and related services to its customers.


There is no specific public information available regarding the exact date when AS34305 was established. Generally, Autonomous System Numbers (ASNs) are allocated by regional internet registries over time as organizations require them for their networking operations.

Use by Hackers or Spammers

According to CleanTalk, a website monitoring spam and hacking activities, there have been reports of malicious activities associated with AS34305. CleanTalk provides details on various IP addresses that may have been involved in sending spam or carrying out other malicious online activities. However, it's important to note that the presence of a few malicious actors does not necessarily reflect on the overall security posture or intent of the ASN's owner.

For more detailed and up-to-date information about any potential abuse coming from AS34305, it's recommended to refer directly to security resources like CleanTalk or other databases that track malicious activities tied to specific ASNs.

WhoIs AS34305


SPAM active IP addresses in AS34305 Base IP B.V.

#Sender IPDetectedLast seenReported as spam 15:15:572024-10-01 19:25:2632 13:00:592024-09-30 02:29:5525
385.12.5.1982024-05-24 02:25:532024-10-01 12:29:0424
485.12.5.2022024-09-05 05:35:242024-09-25 12:28:5616
585.12.6.992024-09-25 16:55:252024-09-25 17:05:244
685.12.6.1292024-04-04 13:55:582024-09-23 02:28:5512
785.12.6.1492024-09-15 19:05:262024-09-23 04:28:51174
885.12.6.1512024-09-02 20:20:352024-09-23 00:38:5011
985.12.6.1582024-05-10 20:30:432024-09-25 11:11:273
1085.12.6.1742024-09-13 18:40:362024-10-03 22:29:0413
1185.12.6.2142024-09-01 05:10:292024-10-04 06:29:0244
1285.12.7.1152024-08-25 05:40:292024-09-24 09:50:3220
1385.12.7.1242024-09-03 04:55:242024-09-23 12:28:5920
1485.12.7.1622024-06-12 00:10:232024-09-24 19:50:3322
1585.12.7.2282024-07-27 23:45:412024-09-23 20:28:53178
1685.12.7.2432024-04-23 18:10:402024-09-26 01:50:3018
1785.12.7.2452024-04-20 13:55:582024-10-05 17:50:2940
1885.12.7.2472024-09-25 17:10:322024-09-25 17:30:377
1985.12.7.2512024-09-01 05:05:242024-09-24 12:28:5715
2085.12.30.1132024-09-15 14:25:462024-09-26 20:28:52128
2185.12.30.1452024-09-15 02:25:412024-09-25 03:45:27125
2285.12.30.1782024-09-24 03:55:232024-09-24 04:25:2423

Detected networks prefixes

#Network prefixCountryLengthDetected IP addressesSpam active IP addressesSpam rate States8192198861.00% States2561296325.00%
381.171.75.176/28United States1614956.00%
481.171.75.96/28United States169850.00%
581.171.75.128/28United States169850.00%
681.171.75.144/28United States1613850.00%
781.171.75.160/28United States1614850.00%
981.171.75.112/28United States169744.00%
1081.171.75.48/28United States1613638.00%
1281.171.75.32/28United States1616425.00%
1681.171.75.0/28United States16400.00%

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