AS45533 Comptroller Generals Department

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About AS45533

Owner of AS45533

The owner of Autonomous System (AS) 45533 is Sichuan Changhong Electric Co., Ltd. This company is based in China and is known primarily for manufacturing consumer electronics such as televisions, refrigerators, air conditioners, and washing machines.

Main Operational Activity of AS45533's Owner

The main operational activity of Sichuan Changhong Electric Co., Ltd. revolves around the production and sale of a wide range of home appliances and consumer electronics. Their business covers research and development, manufacturing, and sales both in domestic and international markets.

Establishment of AS45533

There is no specific public information readily available regarding the exact establishment date of AS45533. Typically, the creation date of an autonomous system number (ASN) may not be widely advertised or documented unless it is linked to a significant event or announcement by the owning entity.

Malicious Use of AS45533

Concerning the use of AS45533 for malicious activities such as hacking or spamming, reports can vary over time. Online resources like CleanTalk provide updated databases about whether an ASN has been reported or blacklisted for such activities. As of the last update, there seems to be no direct evidence that AS45533 is actively involved in malicious operations. However, it is important to note that any network could potentially be compromised and abused by bad actors without the knowledge or consent of its owner.

To ensure the most accurate and current information regarding the reputation of AS45533, one would need to refer to the latest data from trusted cybersecurity databases or services that track and report on malicious activities associated with various ASNs.

WhoIs AS45533


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