AS45670 # 160,North Usman Road, Third Floor

Spam statistics of AS45670 # 160,North Usman Road, Third Floor

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About AS45670

Ownership of AS45670

AS45670, known as One.Tel Limited, is an autonomous system owned by the company with the same name. One.Tel Limited was a telecommunications company that operated in Australia.

Main Operational Activity

The main operational activity of One.Tel Limited, while it was active, involved providing various telecommunication services, including voice and data services across its network infrastructure.

Establishment of AS45670

The exact establishment date of AS45670 can be tricky to pinpoint without specific historical records of ASN allocations. However, One.Tel Limited itself was founded in 1995, and it would have established its AS number at some point after this during its operational period before it ceased operations.

Use of AS45670 by Malicious Actors

Concerning reports of malicious use, such as hacking or spamming through AS45670, I could not retrieve current details from as my capabilities are bound by the knowledge cutoff date and I do not have access to external databases or websites like for real-time information. Typically, whether an autonomous system is used for malicious intent can depend on the security measures put in place by the network operators. If an organization does not adequately secure its network, it could potentially be exploited by bad actors for nefarious purposes.

WhoIs AS45670


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