AS47297 NetCom BW GmbH

Spam statistics of AS47297 NetCom BW GmbH

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- spam active IP adresses

Overview of AS47297

Ownership of AS47297

The autonomous system (AS) number 47297 belongs to KNET TELECOM Ltd. This company is responsible for the operations and management of this particular AS.

Main Operational Activity

KNET TELECOM Ltd's primary activity revolves around providing internet services. As an Internet Service Provider (ISP), they manage data transit and network access for their users, ensuring connectivity and internet reachability.

Establishment of AS47297

There is no specific public record available in the provided context about the exact establishment date of AS47297.

Malicious Use of AS47297

Like many autonomous systems, AS47297 could potentially be exploited by hackers or spammers. However, according to the data from, there is no substantial evidence suggesting that AS47297 is currently known for being used with malicious intent. It is important to note that the status of any autonomous system in terms of abuse can change over time, and continuous monitoring is essential to maintain network security and integrity.

For further details on the reputation and activity of AS47297, one would typically refer to security databases and blacklists such as CleanTalk, but since direct linking and specifics are not provided in this context, it's advisable to consult CleanTalk directly for the most current information regarding AS47297.

WhoIs AS47297


Detected networks prefixes

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