AS4839 NAP2 at CERNET located in Shanghai

Spam statistics of AS4839 NAP2 at CERNET located in Shanghai

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About AS4839

Owner of AS4839

The owner of Autonomous System (AS) 4839 is China Unicom Global.

Main Operational Activity

China Unicom Global's main operational activity includes providing a wide range of telecommunications services such as broadband internet access, mobile services, and data communications in multiple regions. They are known for their extensive infrastructure and international communications capabilities.

Establishment of AS4839

There is no specific public data regarding the exact establishment date of AS4839. Generally, the creation dates of autonomous systems are not publicly disclosed. These systems could be established at any point when the owning organization requires it as part of expanding its network infrastructure.

Malicious Use of AS4839

Like many large networks, AS4839 may occasionally be used by hackers or spammers with malicious intent. The extent to which this occurs can vary and organizations like China Unicom Global typically have measures in place to detect and mitigate such activities.

According to information available on CleanTalk, there might be incidents where IP addresses within AS4839 have been reported for abuse. However, it is important to note that the presence of a few abusive actions does not necessarily reflect the overall security posture or intentions of the AS owner.

Please note that the above response does not include real-time data, and the status of any AS in regards to malicious use can change over time, so always refer to updated security reports and databases for the latest information.

WhoIs AS4839


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