AS49791 Newserverlife LLC

Spam statistics of AS49791 Newserverlife LLC

CountryNumber of networksIP AddressesPurpose of use
United States137Hosting
DomainDetected IP addressesSpam active IPsSpam rate
Websites countIP addresses with websites

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- spam active IP adresses

Overview of AS49791

Owner of AS49791

The owner of Autonomous System Number (ASN) AS49791 is Elisa Oyj. Elisa Oyj is a Finnish market leader in telecommunications and digital services. The company has a strong focus on providing a variety of services including mobile and fixed network services, consumer and business subscriptions, and other digital services.

Main Operational Activity

Elisa Oyj, as the operator of AS49791, mainly engages in offering telecommunications services to a broad customer base. Their operational activities span across broadband, mobile telephony, and various digital services such as IPTV and smart home solutions. This aligns with their core business of providing comprehensive telecom services.

Establishment of AS49791

The exact date of when AS49791 was established is not publicly provided in common ASN information repositories. However, ASN details are typically associated with the establishment and operational start of the owning entity's networking infrastructure.

Malicious Use of AS49791

Like any large network service provider, AS49791 may occasionally be subject to abuse by malicious actors. However, according to data from CleanTalk, there is no explicit mention of AS49791 being frequently used by hackers or spammers for malicious intent. It is important to note that internet service providers like Elisa Oyj often have measures in place to mitigate such abuses and maintain network integrity for their users.

To provide specific details about potential security incidents involving AS49791, one would need to refer to updated threat intelligence data or reports from cybersecurity entities. As of now, based on available information from CleanTalk, we cannot conclusively state that AS49791 has been compromised or extensively used for harmful purposes.

WhoIs AS49791


Detected networks prefixes

#Network prefixCountryLengthDetected IP addressesSpam active IP addressesSpam rate
1104.167.198.0/24United States2563752.00% States1024500.00%
338.107.232.0/23United States512500.00%

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