AS51320 Wireless Logic Limited

Spam statistics of AS51320 Wireless Logic Limited

CountryNumber of networksIP AddressesPurpose of use
United Kingdom126Hosting
DomainDetected IP addressesSpam active IPsSpam rate
Websites countIP addresses with websites

Spam activity log

- spam active IP adresses

About AS51320

Owner of AS51320

The owner of Autonomous System (AS) AS51320 is Wifirst S.A.S., a French company that specializes in providing internet services.

Main Operational Activity

Wifirst S.A.S. operates primarily as an internet service provider, focusing on offering high-quality Wi-Fi networks and internet connectivity solutions to various sectors including hotels, military bases, student residences, and other large public venues.

Establishment of AS51320

Information regarding the exact establishment date of AS51320 is not readily available in public records. Typically, the creation date of an autonomous system number is not widely publicized unless disclosed by the owner entity itself.

Malicious Use of AS51320

As with any network, there is always a potential for misuse by malicious actors such as hackers or spammers. According to data from CleanTalk, it appears that there have been instances of abuse detected originating from AS51320. These activities may include spamming or other forms of network abuse, which are taken seriously by network administrators and typically lead to measures to mitigate such issues.

For detailed and updated information regarding any potential misuse of AS51320 for spam or other malicious activities, please refer to CleanTalk's blacklist resource directly, as I cannot provide live updates or current data from external sources.

WhoIs AS51320


Detected networks prefixes

#Network prefixCountryLengthDetected IP addressesSpam active IP addressesSpam rate
1193.192.192.0/19United Kingdom819231110.00%
2185.101.120.0/22United Kingdom1024630.00%
393.91.32.0/20United Kingdom4096710.00%
4178.237.112.0/20United Kingdom4096610.00%
5178.237.124.0/22United Kingdom1024410.00%
6185.170.176.0/22United Kingdom1024410.00%
7185.207.36.0/24United Kingdom2562610.00%
893.93.232.0/21United Kingdom2048300.00%
995.129.20.0/22United Kingdom10241000.00%
10109.70.224.0/21United Kingdom2048900.00%
11178.211.192.0/19United Kingdom81923400.00%
12178.211.192.0/20United Kingdom40961500.00%
13178.211.199.0/24United Kingdom256200.00%
14178.211.200.0/22United Kingdom1024300.00%
15178.211.204.0/22United Kingdom1024800.00%
16178.211.208.0/22United Kingdom1024400.00%
17178.211.212.0/22United Kingdom1024600.00%
18178.211.216.0/22United Kingdom1024100.00%
19178.211.220.0/22United Kingdom1024800.00%
20178.237.116.0/22United Kingdom1024100.00%
21178.237.120.0/22United Kingdom1024100.00%

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