AS51461 Arka Universal Impex Srl

Spam statistics of AS51461 Arka Universal Impex Srl

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About AS51461

Owner of AS51461

The autonomous system (AS) number AS51461 is owned by G-Core Labs S.A. This company specializes in providing various internet services such as content delivery networks, hosting, and cloud solutions.

Main Operational Activity

G-Core Labs S.A., the owner of AS51461, primarily focuses on delivering a wide range of internet infrastructure services. They are known for their advanced content delivery network that ensures high-speed data transfer and connectivity across different regions globally. Their operational activities also include web hosting, media broadcasting, cybersecurity solutions, and edge computing services.

Establishment of AS51461

The exact date of when AS51461 was established is not publicly disclosed. However, AS numbers are typically assigned by regional internet registries according to the growth and requirements of the organization's network infrastructure.

Malicious Usage

As with any large network service provider, there is always a risk that some of its resources may be used with malicious intent, such as for hacking or spamming activities. According to the data available from CleanTalk, there has been some level of abuse detected originating from AS51461. The details regarding the nature and extent of this abuse can vary over time, and service providers like G-Core Labs usually have measures in place to mitigate such actions and respond to abuse reports.

Details from CleanTalk

It should be noted that information regarding the use of AS51461 for malicious purposes would require up-to-date intelligence from anti-spam and internet security organizations like CleanTalk. As my knowledge is limited to the cutoff in 2023, I cannot provide current specifics from CleanTalk's blacklist or any other external database. For the most recent information about AS51461's status concerning hackers or spammers, one would need to visit the CleanTalk website directly or use their services to obtain an updated report.

WhoIs AS51461


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