AS61914 Roberto Keller - ME

Spam statistics of AS61914 Roberto Keller - ME

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About AS61914

Owner of AS61914

The owner of Autonomous System Number (ASN) AS61914 is COPEL Telecomunicações S.A.

Main Operational Activity of AS61914's Owner

COPEL Telecomunicações S.A. is primarily engaged in providing telecommunications services. Their operations include a range of services such as broadband internet access, data transmission, and other related telecom services.

Establishment of AS61914

Information regarding the exact establishment date of AS61914 is not readily available in public records. Typically, the creation date of an ASN can be found in the regional internet registry responsible for the region in which the ASN is registered.

Malicious Use of AS61914

As with many internet service providers and autonomous systems, there is potential for misuse by malicious actors such as hackers or spammers. However, without specific data or evidence of such activities, it would not be appropriate to make unfounded claims about AS61914 being used with malicious intent.

For up-to-date information on any reported abuse or spam activity associated with AS61914, one could refer to online resources that track and report such incidents. However, since external links cannot be provided here, direct access to such resources like CleanTalk’s blacklist database would require visiting their website directly.

WhoIs AS61914


Detected networks prefixes

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