AS135298 Ankabut Internet Service Provider

Spam statistics of AS135298 Ankabut Internet Service Provider

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About AS135298

Ownership of AS135298

The autonomous system (AS) number 135298 is owned by 'Ace Data Centers, Inc.', which is a company based in the United States that specializes in data center operations.

Main Operational Activity

The main operational activity of Ace Data Centers, Inc., the owner of AS135298, involves providing data center services such as colocation, dedicated servers, and managed services to its clients. These services are essential for businesses that require reliable and secure data storage and management solutions.

Establishment Date of AS135298

There is no specific public record available indicating the exact establishment date of AS135298 within this context.

Potential Malicious Use

As with any autonomous system, there is a potential for misuse by hackers or spammers. However, regarding AS135298, there are currently no records or significant evidence on suggesting that it is predominantly used with malicious intent. It is important for network operators to monitor their systems regularly to prevent and address any unauthorized or harmful activities. Details

According to's blacklist check, there may not be notable instances of spamming or hacking activities originating from AS135298 at this time. It is recommended to check the latest details directly on for real-time information and updates regarding the reputation of AS135298.

WhoIs AS135298


SPAM active IP addresses in AS135298 Ankabut Internet Service Provider

#Sender IPDetectedLast seenReported as spam
1103.213.107.622023-11-14 23:00:222024-10-03 19:45:2944

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