Positive SSL The best for a personal blog or small or medium size business website

PositiveSSL is the most popular and inexpensive SSL Certificate introduced by the most trusted CA Sectigo and secures your website domain name and helps to protect user's information which is transmission over internet.

  • Secure a single domain
  • Both site.com & www.site.com
  • Mobile support
  • 99.9% browser recognition
  • 2048 bit signatures/256 bit encryption
  • Unlimited re-issuance
  • Unlimited server Licenses
  • No paperwork required
By signing up, you agree with license.
CleanTalk Sectigo status label

While using SSL certificate, users of your Internet resource could stay assured that their transferred confidential data will be thoroughly guarded and will not be used by cyber criminals. All information which is being sent over protected SSL channel will be encrypted with a 256-bit key that nobody has deciphered yet and it is the most reliable key at the moment.

When you obtain this SSL-certificate, the trusted Sectigo Certificate Centre automatically checks your domain name which means that you don't have to worry about collecting papers to order Positive SSL. All you have to do to protect your website or your internal network with Positive SSL is make a payment and fill the checkout form.

Internet users recognize safe Internet connection in their browsers by the symbol of the lock next to website address. It's important to know for users that their connection and their data are secured, though they do not see the difference what certificate is being used on visited website — Common or Premium. Google also did not mention about ranking depending on the type of SSL-certificate, thus it's cheaper and easier to get the cheapest certificate and have all possibilities at once: security, transferred data encryption, and SEO advantages.

As stated at Google, they want to “encourage all website owners to switch from HTTP to HTTPS to keep everyone safe on the web. Beginning in January 2017, Chrome (version 56 and later) will mark pages that collect passwords or credit card details as “Not Secure” unless the pages are served over HTTPS. Eventually, Chrome will show a Not Secure warning for all pages served over HTTP.”

Did you know?

Google logo

How can SSL improve for Google Search Ranking?

Google introduced HTTPS as a ranking signal which means using SSL encryption technology will also help boost your Google search ranking.

Using SSL will help boost your Google Search Ranking.