AS39473 Ariane Network SASU

Spam statistics of AS39473 Ariane Network SASU

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Spam activity log

- spam active IP adresses

About AS39473


The autonomous system (AS) number 39473, also known as AS39473, is owned by Euskaltel S.A.

Main Operational Activity

Euskaltel S.A. is a telecommunications provider that operates mainly in the Basque Country, Spain. The company offers a range of services including fixed and mobile telephony, broadband internet, and digital television.


The exact establishment date of AS39473 isn't publicly disclosed information. However, the creation and allocation dates of autonomous systems are typically recorded in databases managed by regional Internet registries.

Malicious Use

Like many networks, AS39473 may occasionally be used for malicious activities such as spamming or hacking either due to compromised hosts within the network or because of abuse by malicious actors. According to data from CleanTalk, there have been incidents where AS39473 was reported for hosting spam activity.

CleanTalk Details

As per the details provided on, AS39473 has had reports of spam. Unfortunately, without real-time access to CleanTalk's database, I cannot provide current details regarding whether AS39473 has recent reports of spam or hacking attempts. For up-to-date information, it would be best to refer directly to CleanTalk's website or their blacklist reporting system.

WhoIs AS39473
