Spam statistics of AS139004 RL CAFE NET

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Overview of AS139004

Owner of AS139004

The owner of Autonomous System Number (ASN) AS139004 is not publicly disclosed in general ASN information repositories. Without specific data, the precise identity of the organization or entity that operates under AS139004 cannot be provided.

Main Operational Activity

As the details about the owner of AS139004 are not readily available, the main operational activity associated with this autonomous system also remains unspecified. Autonomous Systems are typically used by ISPs, large organizations, or educational institutions to manage their routing policies and internet connectivity. However, without concrete information on the owning entity, we cannot accurately describe the operations of AS139004.

Establishment of AS139004

The establishment date of AS139004 is not mentioned in standard internet registries, which would normally provide details such as registration dates and updates regarding Autonomous Systems. Thus, determining when AS139004 was established would require access to restricted databases or direct contact with the administering body for this ASN.

Malicious Use of AS139004

In regards to malicious activities, such as hacking or spamming, originating from AS139004, there are online resources that track and report abuse incidents linked to ASNs. According to, a website that provides real-time information on blacklists and spam activities, there might be records of abuse if AS139004 has been involved in such actions. However, for up-to-date and detailed information regarding any potential misuse of AS139004, it would be necessary to visit their website directly and search for the ASN in question since embedding specific URL links or providing real-time data is outside the scope of this response.

WhoIs AS139004


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