AS1761 TDIR-CAPNET, page 8

Spam statistics of AS1761 TDIR-CAPNET

CountryNumber of networksIP AddressesPurpose of use
United States
DomainDetected IP addressesSpam active IPsSpam rate
Websites countIP addresses with websites
1 066585

Spam activity log

- spam active IP adresses

About AS1761

Owner of AS1761

The owner of AS1761 is the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, commonly known as NASA. NASA is a United States government agency responsible for the nation's civilian space program and for aeronautics and aerospace research.

Main Operational Activity of AS1761's Owner

NASA's main operational activities include the exploration of outer space with various spacecraft, the study of celestial bodies, conducting scientific research, developing new technologies for space and aeronautical purposes, and advancing our understanding of the universe and our place within it.

Establishment of AS1761

There is no specific public record available detailing when AS1761 was established. Autonomous Systems (AS) are typically registered by organizations as they expand their network infrastructure to support their operational needs, which for NASA, aligns with its growth and development in space and aeronautical exploration over the decades.

Use of AS1761 by Hackers or Spammers

According to data from CleanTalk, there is no evidence that AS1761 is currently being used with malicious intent by hackers or spammers. However, like any network, it may be at risk of abuse if proper security measures are not enforced. It is important for all network administrators to monitor their AS to prevent and address any unauthorized or malicious activity promptly.

CleanTalk maintains a database of IP addresses and autonomous systems that have been reported for sending spam or engaging in other malicious online activities. At the time of this inquiry, AS1761 does not appear on CleanTalk’s blacklist, suggesting that there is no significant malicious activity originating from this AS.

WhoIs AS1761


SPAM active IP addresses in AS1761 TDIR-CAPNET

#Sender IPDetectedLast seenReported as spam
1204.65.230.1172022-01-19 04:49:022024-04-03 22:43:073

Detected networks prefixes

#Network prefixCountryLengthDetected IP addressesSpam active IP addressesSpam rate
211168.47.180.0/22United States1024100.00%
212168.47.220.0/22United States1024100.00%
213168.48.0.0/13United States5242884200.00%
214168.48.84.0/22United States1024100.00%
215168.48.88.0/22United States1024100.00%
216168.48.92.0/22United States1024100.00%
217168.48.144.0/22United States1024100.00%
218168.48.188.0/22United States1024100.00%
219168.49.12.0/22United States1024100.00%
220168.49.20.0/22United States1024100.00%
221168.49.52.0/22United States1024100.00%
222168.49.188.0/22United States1024100.00%
223168.50.28.0/22United States1024100.00%
224168.50.56.0/22United States1024100.00%
225168.50.192.0/22United States1024100.00%
226168.50.228.0/22United States1024100.00%
227168.51.40.0/22United States1024100.00%
228168.51.156.0/22United States1024100.00%
229168.51.168.0/22United States1024100.00%
230168.51.176.0/22United States1024200.00%
231168.52.24.0/22United States1024100.00%
232168.52.36.0/22United States1024100.00%
233168.52.48.0/22United States1024100.00%
234168.52.84.0/22United States1024100.00%
235168.52.88.0/22United States1024100.00%
236168.52.112.0/22United States1024100.00%
237168.52.124.0/22United States1024100.00%
238168.52.244.0/22United States1024100.00%
239168.53.112.0/22United States1024100.00%
240168.53.160.0/22United States1024100.00%

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