AS262997 FAAr turboNet LTDA.

Spam statistics of AS262997 FAAr turboNet LTDA.

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About AS262997

Owner of AS262997

The owner of Autonomous System (AS) number 262997 is not specified in the provided information. Ownership details would typically be found in databases such as RIPE NCC, ARIN, or other regional internet registries.

Main Operational Activity

The main operational activity of AS262997's owner is not explicitly stated. However, autonomous systems are generally involved in providing routing infrastructure and internet connectivity services for their respective networks or their customers' networks.

Establishment of AS262997

The establishment date of AS262997 is not readily available in the public domain. Such information can sometimes be obtained from the regional internet registry responsible for the specific AS number, or through network-related databases that track AS number allocations and metadata.

Malicious Use of AS262997

As of the knowledge cutoff date, there is no specific information about hackers or spammers using AS262997 with malicious intent. The website provides a blacklist checking service, but without direct access to their database or reports, it is not possible to confirm any malicious activities associated with this AS number. For up-to-date details on whether AS262997 has been implicated in any malicious activities, one would need to consult the latest data from security research organizations or services like CleanTalk.

WhoIs AS262997


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