AS39512 NKTV Ltd.

Spam statistics of AS39512 NKTV Ltd.

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- spam active IP adresses

Overview of AS39512

Owner and Operational Activity

The owner of Autonomous System (AS) 39512 is Gate Communications. The main operational activity of Gate Communications involves providing various internet services, including hosting and connectivity solutions.

Establishment and Historical Background

The establishment date for AS39512 is not publicly disclosed in generic AS information repositories. Typically, the creation of an AS is registered with a Regional Internet Registry (RIR), but specific establishment dates are not always easily accessible or made public.

Security Concerns and Misuse

Concerning potential misuse by hackers or spammers, it is important to monitor blacklists that track such activities. As of the last update, there have been reports on indicating that AS39512 has had instances where it was used with malicious intent. However, this information can change frequently as service providers take action to prevent and mitigate abuse on their networks.

Current Status on CleanTalk

According to the details provided by, AS39512 has a history of abuse, which suggests that some entities may have used its resources for spamming or other malicious activities. Service providers like Gate Communications are typically responsible for addressing such issues to maintain the integrity of their services.

WhoIs AS39512


Detected networks prefixes

#Network prefixCountryLengthDetected IP addressesSpam active IP addressesSpam rate