Spam statistics of AS11067 PTSINET

CountryNumber of networksIP AddressesPurpose of use
United States
DomainDetected IP addressesSpam active IPsSpam rate
Websites countIP addresses with websites

Spam activity log

- spam active IP adresses

About AS11067

Ownership of AS11067

The Autonomous System (AS) AS11067 is owned by PTS Communications, a company that specializes in providing internet services. They are known for their role in the management and distribution of internet resources within their operational scope.

Main Operational Activity

PTS Communications, as the owner of AS11067, primarily engages in the provision of internet connectivity and related services to its clientele. This includes broadband access, hosting, and other internet-related services tailored for both individuals and businesses.

Establishment of AS11067

The establishment date of AS11067 is not readily available in public records. Typically, the creation date of an AS is logged when it is first registered in Internet Routing Registries, but this specific information would require further investigation or direct inquiry with the owner or a regional internet registry.

Malicious Use of AS11067

As with any network, there is potential for misuse by hackers or spammers. Regarding AS11067, specific details about malicious activities such as hacking or spamming can be found on security platforms like CleanTalk. According to data from, there may have been instances where IPs within the range of AS11067 were used for undesired activities. However, it is important to note that network owners often take measures to prevent and mitigate such activities, and the presence of such reports does not necessarily reflect the overall intent or operational practices of the AS owner.

To get up-to-date information about the potential misuse of AS11067 for malicious purposes, one should refer to updated databases and security reports provided by organizations that specialize in tracking and reporting such activities.

WhoIs AS11067


Detected networks prefixes

#Network prefixCountryLengthDetected IP addressesSpam active IP addressesSpam rate
1216.251.0.0/19United States8192262220.00%
2216.251.16.0/20United States409612990.00%
3216.251.16.0/21United States20488580.00%
465.79.192.0/19United States819223260.00%
567.219.160.0/20United States409616950.00%
6216.251.0.0/22United States10245450.00%
7216.251.4.0/23United States5121831.00%
865.79.216.0/22United States10244920.00%
967.219.164.0/23United States5122220.00%
1067.219.166.0/23United States5121720.00%
1165.79.208.0/23United States5122110.00%
1265.79.210.0/23United States5121910.00%
1367.219.170.0/23United States5121710.00%
1465.79.204.0/23United States5121600.00%
1565.79.220.0/23United States5121600.00%
1665.79.222.0/24United States2561000.00%
1767.219.162.0/23United States5122700.00%
1867.219.168.0/23United States5122700.00%
1967.219.172.0/23United States5122200.00%