Spam statistics of AS138538 VPSOR-GLOBAL

CountryNumber of networksIP AddressesPurpose of use
China233 447Hosting
DomainDetected IP addressesSpam active IPsSpam rate
-2 413100.41%
Websites countIP addresses with websites
8 0973 226

Spam activity log

- spam active IP adresses

About AS138538

Owner of AS138538

The owner of AS138538 is unknown as the specific details about ownership are not publicly disclosed. The assignment of AS numbers is typically managed by regional internet registries which could provide more information regarding the ownership.

Main Operational Activity

The main operational activity of AS138538 is also not clearly defined in public records. Autonomous Systems (AS) are typically used by ISPs, universities, corporations, and other entities to manage their routing policies and facilitate internet connectivity, but without specific details, it's difficult to ascertain the precise activities of AS138538.

Establishment of AS138538

The exact establishment date of AS138538 is not readily available. Information on when an AS was created can usually be found through whois databases or regional internet registries that handle AS number allocations.

Malicious Use of AS138538

There is no specific evidence or reports suggesting that AS138538 is being used by hackers or spammers with malicious intent. However, it is important to note that any network can potentially be compromised and used for malicious activities if proper security measures are not in place.

According to CleanTalk's database at, there does not appear to be any detailed information indicating that AS138538 has been involved in spamming or hacking activities. It's always recommended to monitor networks for any suspicious behavior and ensure that security protocols are up-to-date to prevent unauthorized use.

WhoIs AS138538


Detected networks prefixes

#Network prefixCountryLengthDetected IP addressesSpam active IP addressesSpam rate
1103.151.216.0/22Hong Kong SAR China102425561.00%
2103.133.176.0/24Hong Kong SAR China25611310.00%
3103.133.178.0/24Hong Kong SAR China25613610.00%
4103.140.228.0/23Hong Kong SAR China51223610.00%
5103.140.228.0/24Hong Kong SAR China25612310.00%
6103.151.216.0/23Hong Kong SAR China51220510.00%
7103.152.170.0/23Hong Kong SAR China51211010.00%
8103.99.40.0/24Hong Kong SAR China25613100.00%
9103.99.40.0/23Hong Kong SAR China51217700.00%
10103.99.41.0/24Hong Kong SAR China2564600.00%
11103.113.92.0/24Hong Kong SAR China25614600.00%
12103.113.92.0/22Hong Kong SAR China102458200.00%
13103.132.234.0/24Hong Kong SAR China25618600.00%
14103.132.235.0/24Hong Kong SAR China25616700.00%
15103.133.179.0/24Hong Kong SAR China25611700.00%
16103.151.216.0/24Hong Kong SAR China2569300.00%
17103.152.170.0/24Hong Kong SAR China2565200.00%
18103.153.36.0/23Hong Kong SAR China5126500.00%
19103.153.36.0/24Hong Kong SAR China2563300.00%
20103.153.100.0/22Hong Kong SAR China102418000.00%
21103.153.100.0/23Hong Kong SAR China51211800.00%
22103.153.100.0/24Hong Kong SAR China2566100.00%
23103.155.120.0/22United States102411500.00%