Spam statistics of AS140804 JOBKEY JOINT STOCK COMPANY

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About AS140804

Owner of AS140804

The owner of Autonomous System Number (ASN) AS140804 is currently not publicly disclosed. ASN details are typically registered and can be found in regional internet registry databases, but specific ownership details may not always be transparent or readily available.

Main Operational Activity

The main operational activity of AS140804's owner is not specified due to the lack of publicly available information. Autonomous Systems are usually managed by Internet Service Providers (ISPs), corporations, universities, or government entities for routing internet traffic to their networks.

Establishment of AS140804

There is no specific public record detailing the establishment date of AS140804. The creation date of an ASN can often be found in the relevant internet registry's database or through network information services.

Malicious Usage of AS140804

As for the question of whether hackers or spammers use AS140804 with malicious intent, there have been no explicit reports or data provided by or other similar security platforms indicating that AS140804 is specifically associated with such activities. It is important for network administrators to monitor traffic and maintain security measures to prevent any potential abuse of the network infrastructure.

Whois AS140804


Detected networks prefixes

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