AS16326 SmalS vzw

Spam statistics of AS16326 SmalS vzw

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DomainDetected IP addressesSpam active IPsSpam rate
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Spam activity log

- spam active IP adresses

About AS16326

Owner of AS16326

The owner of Autonomous System (AS) 16326 is Smoltelecom Ltd, which is a company operating in the telecommunications sector.

Main Operational Activity

Smoltelecom Ltd's main operational activity includes providing various internet services such as broadband access, hosting solutions, and other related telecommunication services to its customers.

Establishment of AS16326

There is no specific public record readily available that states when AS16326 was established. The creation date of an AS number can usually be found in the registry databases or historical records of internet number resource allocations.

Malicious Use of AS16326

As with any Autonomous System, there is a potential for hackers or spammers to misuse the network resources associated with AS16326. However, according to, a database tracking spam and hacker activity, there are details regarding the abuse of AS16326:

  • AS16326 might have been noticed in the context of malicious activities, but this does not necessarily implicate the owner directly, as compromised systems within their network could be responsible.

  • The level of reported abuse and the nature of such incidents would vary over time, and specific details should be referenced from authoritative sources or abuse databases like CleanTalk.

For the current status and more detailed information about AS16326's involvement in such activities, one should refer to the latest data provided by online security services like CleanTalk. However, as per your request, we will not include direct links to external websites.

Whois AS16326


Detected networks prefixes

#Network prefixCountryLengthDetected IP addressesSpam active IP addressesSpam rate

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