AS197730 Bwe Capital Limited

Spam statistics of AS197730 Bwe Capital Limited

CountryNumber of networksIP AddressesPurpose of use
British Virgin Islands7817 078Hosting
DomainDetected IP addressesSpam active IPsSpam rate
-1 61210.06%
Websites countIP addresses with websites
39 78519 926

Spam activity log

- spam active IP adresses

About AS197730

Owner of AS197730

The owner of Autonomous System (AS) number 197730 is 'flynet gmbh' which is a company based in Switzerland that provides various internet services.

Main Operational Activity of AS197730's Owner

The main operational activity of flynet gmbh includes providing internet service solutions such as web hosting, dedicated servers, and possibly other internet-related services to its customers.

Establishment of AS197730

Information about the exact establishment date of AS197730 is not readily available in public WHOIS databases. However, typically, the creation date of an AS can be found through regional internet registry records or historical data on internet resource allocation.

Malicious Activities Related to AS197730

As for the usage of AS197730 by hackers or spammers with malicious intent, it is important to monitor blacklists and security reports for any signs of such activities. According to, a website that monitors IP addresses and autonomous systems for spamming activities, there may be instances where IPs within AS197730 have been reported or blacklisted due to spam or other malicious activities. It's crucial for network administrators of AS197730 to keep their network security up-to-date and address any abuse promptly to maintain the integrity and reputation of their services.

WhoIs AS197730


Detected networks prefixes

#Network prefixCountryLengthDetected IP addressesSpam active IP addressesSpam rate
5156.227.99.0/24Hong Kong SAR China2561310.00%
6156.237.32.0/24Hong Kong SAR China2564610.00%
7193.28.186.0/24Hong Kong SAR China256410.00%
945.156.20.0/24Hong Kong SAR China256100.00%
10154.201.100.0/22United States102428600.00%
11154.201.100.0/24United States25617700.00%
12154.201.104.0/22United States102430300.00%
13154.201.104.0/24United States25610900.00%
14154.201.108.0/24United States2564400.00%
15154.201.108.0/22United States102439600.00%
16154.201.112.0/24United States25615400.00%
17154.201.112.0/22United States102446000.00%
18154.201.116.0/22United States102456600.00%
19154.201.116.0/24United States25618900.00%
20154.201.120.0/22United States102432800.00%
21154.201.120.0/24United States2561000.00%
22154.201.124.0/23United States51227400.00%
23154.201.124.0/24United States25615000.00%
24154.201.124.0/22United States102461300.00%
25154.208.144.0/24Hong Kong SAR China25625000.00%
26154.208.144.0/22Hong Kong SAR China102499800.00%
27154.208.149.0/24Hong Kong SAR China25625000.00%
28154.208.152.0/22Hong Kong SAR China1024100200.00%
29154.208.156.0/22Hong Kong SAR China1024100400.00%
30154.208.160.0/22Hong Kong SAR China102460300.00%

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