AS198072 GTnet sp.j. Tomasz Gajewski Grzegorz Mazurek

Spam statistics of AS198072 GTnet sp.j. Tomasz Gajewski Grzegorz Mazurek

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- spam active IP adresses

About AS198072

Ownership of AS198072

The autonomous system (AS) number 198072 belongs to a telecommunications entity. However, without specific data in the question, the current owner cannot be determined as this information is subject to change and would typically require up-to-date registry information from resources like RIPE NCC or similar regional internet registry databases.

Main Operational Activity

The main operational activity of the owner of AS198072 would likely involve internet service provision, network management, and possibly offering other telecommunication services depending on the nature of the entity that controls it. This could include broadband access, hosting services, or other related internet infrastructure services.

Establishment of AS198072

The exact date when AS198072 was established would be recorded in the database of the regional internet registry responsible for the region where the AS is registered. Detailed historical data would typically be accessible through these official registries or databases that track the allocation and assignment of AS numbers.

Malicious Use by Hackers or Spammers

As for whether AS198072 has been used with malicious intent such as hacking or spamming, this would require monitoring and reporting by security organizations and networks that track such activities. CleanTalk, for instance, provides a blacklist checking service that can indicate if an AS has been reported for involvement in spam or malicious activities.

Details from CleanTalk

To obtain accurate and current details regarding any reports of malicious use involving AS198072, one would need to visit the CleanTalk website directly and perform a search for the AS number. Since direct linking via <a href> is not utilized in this response, please navigate to the CleanTalk blacklist section and input the AS number for updated information on any associated spam or hacking reports.

WhoIs AS198072


SPAM active IP addresses in AS198072 GTnet sp.j. Tomasz Gajewski Grzegorz Mazurek

#Sender IPDetectedLast seenReported as spam 11:25:582024-10-03 19:50:4931

Detected networks prefixes

#Network prefixCountryLengthDetected IP addressesSpam active IP addressesSpam rate