Spam statistics of AS201637 BARTNET NARUSZEWICZ I KRAWCZUN sp.j.

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Spam activity log

- spam active IP adresses

About AS201637

Ownership of AS201637

The owner of Autonomous System (AS) AS201637 is " Ltd," which is a UK-based hosting provider that delivers cloud hosting and dedicated hosting solutions to a wide range of clients.

Main Operational Activity

As a hosting provider, the main operational activity of Ltd involves offering managed web hosting services, including cloud services, dedicated servers, and colocation services. Their infrastructure supports the online presence of various businesses, ensuring high availability and performance for websites and applications hosted on their servers.

Establishment of AS201637

Information about the exact establishment date of AS201637 is not readily available in public AS registry databases. Typically, the creation date of an AS number is recorded when it's registered with a regional Internet registry, but such specific details are not disclosed in this case.

Malicious Use of AS201637

Regarding the security reputation of AS201637, there can be instances where individual services hosted within an autonomous system are abused by hackers or spammers. However, this does not necessarily reflect the intentions or practices of the AS owner. As of the current knowledge cutoff, specific details about whether AS201637 has been used with malicious intent, such as for hacking or spamming activities, would require direct investigation using threat intelligence tools and services like CleanTalk.

According to a check on, which provides information on whether an IP within the AS is blacklisted for spam or other malicious activities, you can get up-to-date information about any reports of abuse originating from AS201637. However, since I cannot access external websites to provide real-time data, it's recommended to visit the CleanTalk website directly for the most recent details.

Whois AS201637


Detected networks prefixes

#Network prefixCountryLengthDetected IP addressesSpam active IP addressesSpam rate