AS210558 1337 Services GmbH

Spam statistics of AS210558 1337 Services GmbH

CountryNumber of networksIP AddressesPurpose of use
Germany180Paid VPN
DomainDetected IP addressesSpam active IPsSpam rate
-1 59517110.72%
Websites countIP addresses with websites

Spam activity log

- spam active IP adresses

About AS210558

Owner of AS210558

The owner of Autonomous System Number (ASN) AS210558 is not specified in the public records. ASN details often list the organization responsible for managing the AS, but in this case, the owner's identity is not clearly stated.

Main Operational Activity of AS210558's Owner

The main operational activity of AS210558's owner involves managing internet connectivity and routing for the networks associated with this particular ASN. ASNs are critical for maintaining the global routing system of the internet and ensuring data packets reach their intended destinations.

Establishment of AS210558

There is no publicly available specific date that states when AS210558 was established. The creation dates of ASNs can vary and may not always be disclosed to the public.

Malicious Use of AS210558

Regarding the use of AS210558 by hackers or spammers with malicious intent, details would need to be gathered from reputable sources that track such activities. According to CleanTalk, a service that provides information on blacklisted IPs and ASNs, there could be instances of suspicious activities associated with AS210558. However, without current data directly from, it is not possible to provide a definitive answer about its misuse.

For the most accurate and updated information on whether AS210558 has been used for malicious purposes, visiting the provided URL or contacting the respective authorities who manage internet security and cybercrime would be advisable.

WhoIs AS210558


SPAM active IP addresses in AS210558 1337 Services GmbH

#Sender IPDetectedLast seenReported as spam 15:17:312024-05-02 17:35:30279 23:51:102024-05-02 19:00:52160 21:55:532024-04-20 07:10:5211 23:10:502024-05-02 18:50:42279 15:46:312024-05-02 19:00:52179
645.92.1.742023-01-23 15:40:462024-05-02 19:00:52359
745.94.31.1092024-03-25 21:01:502024-04-20 14:30:063
845.94.31.1432024-03-23 02:02:352024-04-26 08:30:03173
945.94.31.1802024-02-08 09:25:532024-05-02 18:45:47285
1045.94.31.1972024-03-22 00:56:372024-04-19 22:30:056
1145.94.31.2032024-03-26 00:36:462024-04-20 12:30:076
1245.94.31.2072024-04-06 00:23:292024-04-26 12:30:0626
1345.141.215.112024-03-27 22:24:422024-04-19 22:30:0514
1445.141.215.212023-06-30 01:10:472024-05-02 19:01:45363
1545.141.215.562023-07-15 20:20:472024-05-02 18:46:33199
1645.141.215.612023-07-16 16:00:232024-05-02 18:46:33194
1745.141.215.622023-07-17 17:45:442024-05-02 19:00:52174
1845.141.215.632023-07-18 15:31:362024-05-02 19:00:52143
1945.141.215.802023-05-26 18:45:502024-05-02 19:00:52237
2045.141.215.812023-07-20 09:01:062024-05-02 18:55:36257
2145.141.215.882023-07-21 08:40:472024-05-02 18:36:17268
2245.141.215.902022-12-03 03:40:482024-05-02 19:00:52268
2345.141.215.952023-05-17 23:00:492024-05-02 19:00:52264
2445.141.215.972023-05-24 05:16:092024-05-02 18:50:42183
2545.141.215.1102023-07-24 06:15:432024-05-02 18:25:41225
2645.141.215.1112023-07-21 04:10:472024-05-02 18:40:40280
2745.141.215.1142023-03-28 16:20:492024-05-02 19:00:52252
2845.141.215.1672024-01-14 10:06:102024-05-02 18:55:54288
2945.141.215.1692023-06-25 18:56:072024-05-02 18:55:36249
3045.141.215.1702023-03-02 23:31:122024-05-02 18:40:4078

Detected networks prefixes

#Network prefixCountryLengthDetected IP addressesSpam active IP addressesSpam rate

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