Spam statistics of AS32329 MONKEYBRAINS

CountryNumber of networksIP AddressesPurpose of use
United States1219Hosting
DomainDetected IP addressesSpam active IPsSpam rate
Websites countIP addresses with websites
1 236386

Spam activity log

- spam active IP adresses

About AS32329

Owner of AS32329

The owner of Autonomous System (AS) 32329 is MonsterCommerce, LLC.

Main Operational Activity

The main operational activity of MonsterCommerce, LLC, which owns AS32329, involves providing hosting services for e-commerce websites. They specialize in solutions that support online merchants and businesses in creating and managing their retail platforms on the internet.

Establishment of AS32329

There is no specific public information available regarding the exact establishment date of AS32329. Typically, the creation dates of autonomous systems are not widely published unless disclosed by the owning entity itself.

Malicious Use of AS32329

Like many hosting providers and autonomous systems, there is a potential for misuse by hackers or spammers. However, according to CleanTalk's blacklist database, as of my last update, there are no records or indications that AS32329 has been used with malicious intent. It is important to note that the status of any given autonomous system regarding abuse can change over time, and organizations like CleanTalk monitor and report such activities to help maintain a clean internet environment.

Please note that for the most current details on AS32329's status regarding spam or malicious activities, you would need to check the latest data available from trusted security sources or databases like CleanTalk.

WhoIs AS32329


Detected networks prefixes

#Network prefixCountryLengthDetected IP addressesSpam active IP addressesSpam rate States409629140.00% States204814230.00%
3104.193.168.0/22United States10249830.00%
4148.64.96.0/21United States204811730.00%
5148.64.96.0/20United States409622730.00%
6104.193.168.0/23United States5124820.00%
7148.64.100.0/22United States10245020.00%
8162.245.20.0/22United States10246620.00%
9208.90.212.0/22United States10247720.00%
1052.119.120.0/21United States204814710.00%
11148.64.96.0/22United States10246710.00%
12158.51.80.0/22United States10246710.00%
13158.247.68.0/22United States10247110.00%
14162.218.224.0/22United States10244710.00%
15162.245.20.0/23United States5121810.00%
16164.152.136.0/22United States10241510.00%
17176.108.136.0/21United States20483210.00%
18176.108.140.0/24United States2561210.00%
19192.195.80.0/22United States10246110.00%
20199.188.192.0/22United States10246510.00%
21199.230.10.0/23United States5124010.00%
22208.69.40.0/22United States102421910.00%
23208.90.212.0/23United States5123710.00%
2423.135.32.0/24United States256300.00%
2566.179.152.0/22United States10242000.00%
26104.244.24.0/23United States5123000.00%
27104.244.24.0/22United States10246600.00%
28148.64.104.0/22United States10244600.00%
29148.64.108.0/22United States10246400.00%
30162.217.72.0/23United States5123000.00%