AS32746 CDI

Spam statistics of AS32746 CDI

CountryNumber of networksIP AddressesPurpose of use
United States214Paid VPN, Hosting
DomainDetected IP addressesSpam active IPsSpam rate
Websites countIP addresses with websites

Spam activity log

- spam active IP adresses

Overview of AS32746

Owner of AS32746

The autonomous system (AS) number 32746 is owned by Readyspace Network Pte Ltd.

Main Operational Activity

The main operational activity of Readyspace Network Pte Ltd, the owner of AS32746, involves providing a range of hosting and cloud services. They specialize in offering solutions for web hosting, email hosting, cloud servers, and related services to their customers.

Establishment of AS32746

There is no specific public record readily accessible detailing the exact establishment date of AS32746. Generally, the creation date of an AS number can be found in registration databases or through internet registry organizations responsible for assigning AS numbers within a given region.

Malicious Use of AS32746

Regarding the reputation and potential malicious use of AS32746, one would typically refer to threat intelligence services and blacklisting databases for up-to-date information. As per the data provided by CleanTalk, there might be instances where AS32746 is reported for abuse. However, without current details from, it's not feasible to provide a definitive answer on this matter within the constraints given for this response.

Note that any AS could potentially be abused by hackers or spammers, despite the legitimate operations of its owner. Service providers often implement measures to mitigate such activities when detected.

Whois AS32746


Detected networks prefixes

#Network prefixCountryLengthDetected IP addressesSpam active IP addressesSpam rate
1192.122.149.0/24United States256400.00%
2199.175.56.0/24United States2561400.00%
3199.175.56.0/22United States10241700.00%
4199.201.96.0/23United States512200.00%
5199.201.97.0/24United States256200.00%
6199.201.101.0/24United States256200.00%
7199.201.102.0/24United States256200.00%
8204.8.88.0/24United States256200.00%
9204.8.89.0/24United States256700.00%
10204.8.90.0/24United States256500.00%
11204.152.118.0/24United States256800.00%
12208.86.40.0/24United States256200.00%
13208.86.41.0/24United States256400.00%
14208.86.43.0/24United States256600.00%