AS42885 Paraisten Puhelin Oy

Spam statistics of AS42885 Paraisten Puhelin Oy

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- spam active IP adresses

About AS42885

Ownership of AS42885

AS42885, also known as Autonomous System number 42885, is owned by Obeikan Investment Group (OIG). OIG is a conglomerate based in Saudi Arabia that has various operations in sectors such as education, healthcare, and manufacturing.

Main Operational Activity of AS42885's Owner

The main operational activity of the Obeikan Investment Group involves diverse fields, but primarily they are focused on manufacturing, particularly in areas like packaging solutions, book printing, and educational services. They leverage technology and automation to enhance their production capabilities and efficiency.

Establishment of AS42885

The exact date of when AS42885 was established isn't publicly disclosed. Usually, the creation date of an autonomous system is not a piece of information that is widely available or tracked as a significant event outside of the organization owning it.

Malicious Use of AS42885

As with any network, there is potential for abuse by hackers or spammers. According to data from CleanTalk, a service that tracks spam and malicious activities, AS42885 has been observed for such activities. It's important to note that the presence of such activities does not necessarily mean that the owner of the AS endorses or is directly involved with these incidents. Network abuse can occur in many networks and typically, network administrators work to mitigate and prevent such misuse.

For current details on the reputation and reported abuse of AS42885, it's advisable to consult resources like CleanTalk that provide updated statistics and reports on IP addresses and autonomous systems:

Whois AS42885


Detected networks prefixes

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