AS43766 Mobile Telecommunication Company Saudi Arabia Joint-Stock company

Spam statistics of AS43766 Mobile Telecommunication Company Saudi Arabia Joint-Stock company

CountryNumber of networksIP AddressesPurpose of use
Saudi Arabia
DomainDetected IP addressesSpam active IPsSpam rate
-14 6784182.85%
Websites countIP addresses with websites

Spam activity log

- spam active IP adresses

Overview of AS43766

Ownership of AS43766

AS43766, also known as MTC KSA, is owned by Mobile Telecommunications Company Saudi Arabia (Zain KSA).

Main Operational Activity

The primary activity of Zain KSA is to provide mobile telecommunication services, including voice and data communications in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Establishment of AS43766

Unfortunately, without up-to-date records, it's not possible to pinpoint the exact establishment date of AS43766 within this context.

Malicious Use of AS43766

There are instances where IP ranges belonging to AS43766 may have been flagged for malicious activities such as hosting spammers or hackers. However, it is important to note that IP ranges can occasionally be misused by individuals without the knowledge or consent of the owning organization.

As per the current details available from, there may be reports or incidents associated with AS43766 related to spamming or other malicious intents. It is crucial for network owners to implement measures to prevent such abuses and address any issues promptly to maintain the integrity of their services.

WhoIs AS43766


SPAM active IP addresses in AS43766 Mobile Telecommunication Company Saudi Arabia Joint-Stock company

#Sender IPDetectedLast seenReported as spam 01:48:342024-12-09 17:35:259 08:25:492024-12-16 16:25:244
351.36.219.892022-11-30 10:20:512024-12-15 00:45:263
451.36.233.802024-11-20 19:30:462024-12-11 00:43:108
551.39.231.572017-06-29 18:10:552024-12-11 11:40:327
651.39.232.1412024-11-22 11:00:332024-12-13 18:29:1311

Detected networks prefixes

#Network prefixCountryLengthDetected IP addressesSpam active IP addressesSpam rate Arabia163841523520.00% Arabia8192871451.00%
351.39.64.0/18Saudi Arabia163841615390.00%
451.39.0.0/19Saudi Arabia8192870270.00%
593.178.0.0/18Saudi Arabia16384335160.00%
651.36.192.0/20Saudi Arabia4096310150.00%
7194.238.0.0/16Saudi Arabia65536412150.00%
851.36.128.0/19Saudi Arabia8192669140.00%
977.232.96.0/19Saudi Arabia8192472110.00%
1051.36.208.0/20Saudi Arabia4096947100.00%
1151.36.232.0/21Saudi Arabia2048398100.00%
1251.36.232.0/22Saudi Arabia1024347101.00%
1351.39.224.0/21Saudi Arabia2048708100.00%
1477.223.224.0/19Saudi Arabia8192280100.00%
1551.36.0.0/22Saudi Arabia102416681.00%
1651.36.60.0/22Saudi Arabia102416581.00%
17212.62.96.0/19Saudi Arabia819242180.00%
1851.36.28.0/23Saudi Arabia5125071.00%
1951.36.64.0/22Saudi Arabia102416871.00%
2093.178.16.0/20Saudi Arabia409614070.00%
2151.36.100.0/22Saudi Arabia102419061.00%
2251.36.100.0/23Saudi Arabia5126961.00%
2351.36.126.0/23Saudi Arabia5128761.00%
2451.36.232.0/23Saudi Arabia51229061.00%
2551.39.0.0/22Saudi Arabia102417261.00%
2651.39.130.0/23Saudi Arabia5128661.00%
2779.139.40.0/21Saudi Arabia20486860.00%
2851.36.0.0/23Saudi Arabia5127751.00%
2951.36.8.0/23Saudi Arabia5128051.00%
3051.36.170.0/23Saudi Arabia51218451.00%

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