AS50183 CenturyNetworks Ltd

Spam statistics of AS50183 CenturyNetworks Ltd

CountryNumber of networksIP AddressesPurpose of use
France43 474Hosting
DomainDetected IP addressesSpam active IPsSpam rate
-1 61200.00%
Websites countIP addresses with websites
52 85026 259

Spam activity log

- spam active IP adresses

About AS50183

Owner of AS50183

The owner of Autonomous System (AS) 50183 is Fondation RESTENA (Réseau Téléinformatique de l'Education Nationale et de la Recherche). They are based in Luxembourg and primarily provide network infrastructure and related services for educational and research institutions within the country.

Main Operational Activity

AS50183's main operational activity involves managing network resources and providing Internet connectivity services to schools, universities, research centers, and cultural institutions. The foundation plays a critical role in fostering educational and research collaboration through high-speed networking and digital resource sharing.

Establishment Date

Unfortunately, specific information regarding the establishment date of AS50183 is not readily available in this context. However, the RESTENA Foundation itself has been operational since 1992, working continuously to advance information technology in education and research in Luxembourg.

Malicious Use by Hackers or Spammers

While any network can potentially be misused by malicious actors such as hackers or spammers, there isn't readily available information indicating that AS50183 is specifically known for being used with malicious intent. CleanTalk, a security service that monitors spam and hacking activities, maintains real-time blacklists but does not provide historical data without access to their specific databases or an API call. For the most current details on whether AS50183 has been implicated in any such activities, direct consultation of databases like CleanTalk's blacklist would be necessary.

Current Status on CleanTalk

As for the current status of AS50183 on CleanTalk's blacklist, we would need to consult directly for up-to-date information. It is important for network owners and administrators to monitor these types of resources to ensure their networks remain secure and are not being used for harmful purposes.

WhoIs AS50183


Detected networks prefixes

#Network prefixCountryLengthDetected IP addressesSpam active IP addressesSpam rate

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